● winner of the 9th edition of the MOZART Program (together with PayEye Sp. z o. o.) for the “Sound of Eye” project – creation of an innovative system of personalized sound signal using digital identification and conversion of iris biometric data along with the development of the PayEye sound logo, 2020-2021
● research and development project in cooperation with STOLGRAF for innovative medical equipment “VR TierOne” (with a soundtrack and sound design sounds) using virtual reality in the treatment of depression, rehabilitation of people after stroke, oncological and cardiological treatment and therapy of survivors of coronavirus , 2017-2020
● Sonata No. 1 for violin and piano by Ryszard Bukowski – in search of interpretative keys,
post-conference publication “From neo-romanticism to postmodernism. Polish violin sonata in the interpretation and performance perspective”, ed. Chopin University Press, Warsaw 2022
● About the therapeutic role of sound in VR TierOne
online publication on the VR TierOne blog
● Learning composition at a music school on the example of the activities of the SzKoT School Composition Club at the Primary and Secondary Music School. K. Szymanowski in Wrocław
Contexts of Music Education magazine, Year 2020, Volume 7, No. 1(11), ed. AM in Łódź
● Ryszard Bukowski’s piano sonatas – in search of interpretative keys
Notes Muzyczny magazine, Year 2019, Volume 2, No. 12, ed. AM in Łódź
● Computer – a virtuoso instrument of the 21st century
XIX International Conference from the series “Musica practica, musica theoretica”: Topos of the virtuoso – work, performance, teaching, AM Poznań, 2023
● A few words about non-academic sounds
1st Intercollegiate Scientific and Artistic Conference “contraddizioni”, AM Łódź, AM Wrocław, 2021
● FluteDiving for solo flute – from permanent breathing technique to freediving
14th International Forum of Composers in Poznań, AM Poznań, 2020
● Technique of overlapping cycles – from mathematical idea to musical implementation on the example of the piece n-Cyclus for symphony orchestra
1st National Scientific Symposium “Music – mathematics. Contexts, relationships, perspectives”, AM Poznań, 2018
● The strategy of the electronic layer in Re-imAGiny for ensamble and electronics
scientific conference “Kompozjum 2015 – electronic and computer music”, FCUM, 2015
● Correlation of subjects: ear training and music principles – from idea to implementation
10th National Methodological Conference for Teachers of General Musical Subjects at First and Secondary Music Schools “Interdisciplinarity of teaching methods and the quality of education in general music subjects”, PSM in Konin, 2019
● Dictation or fragment of a musical work? – in search of multi-layers in ear training classes (lecture + demonstration lesson)
National Scientific and Methodical Conference “Around a musical work. From the Perspective of Ear Training”, FCUM, 2018
● Teaching composition in a music school – challenges and prospects
6th National Scientific Conference from the series “Contexts of Musical Education” entitled Music education – individual and collective, AM Łódź, 2020
● Sonata in C major by W.A. Mozart KV 309 in performance perspective
19th International Scientific Conference “Piano Music”, AM Gdańsk, 2022
● A few words about the interpretation of 20th and 21st century pieces for woodwind and brass instruments
International Scientific Symposium “Creator-player: performance issues of contemporary musical literature”, AM Wrocław, 2020
● Ryszard Bukowski’s piano sonatas – in search of interpretative keys
2nd International Scientific and Artistic Conference “Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Chamber Music, Early Music and Jazz. Contemporary music, from analysis to interpretation”, panel “Between tradition and modernity – piano in the musical literature of the second half of the 20th century”, AM Łódź, 2019
● String Trio op. 10 Józef Koffler – in search of interpretative keys
National Scientific Conference “Polish chamber music of the first half of the 20th century: sources, styles, interpretations”, AM Łódź, 2018
● Sonata No. 1 for violin and piano by Ryszard Bukowski – in search of interpretative keys
National Scientific and Artistic Conference “Polish violin sonata: Origin, interpretation, reception”, FCUM 2018
● Anton Webern’s chamber works – in search of interpretative keys
6th Scientific Session: “Style, trends of 20th and 21st century composers and chamber music”, AM Wrocław, 2017
● Conscious interpretation of a musical work
9th Summer Music Academy, AM Wrocław, 2017
● Influences of the classical sonata form in the chamber music of Ryszard Bukowski on the example of Sonata No. 1 for violin and piano
5th Scientific Session: “Classicism in chamber music”, AM Wrocław 2016
● Noise epidemic – about sound pollution in the modern world
Green University Conference in the Green City, Medical University of Piastów Śląskich in Wrocław, 2024